Anzu has a crush on her kindergarten teacher! Based off a manga series published by Square Enix, this school, slice-of-life, comedy Hanamaru Kindergarten (はなまる幼稚園) anime series will begin airing in Japan on January 10, 2010 on TV Tokyo. New screen shots have been posted on
Produced by GAINAX, and Mizushima Seji (Fullmetal Alchemist), this seems like a cute anime about kids getting into cute anime craziness trouble.
Here's the OP:
You can watch this at NarutoWire.
Yes. I have 2 personalities. The ignorance type and the cheerful type. Don't ask me why 2? Just choose 1 and be happy with it. It's easy to said than done. Let me explain about it, shall we?
Digged out again from my previous post that I've blogged few days ago.
Dragon Nest
Dragon Nest is an upcoming fantasy MMO published by Nexon and developed by Eyedentity games. Set to feature real-time dynamic combat with chain attacks and more, Dragon Nest concerns the tale of the poisoned Goddess Altea, and the heroes who gather in the land of Lagendia to fight to save her by battling invading hordes of enemies, including dragons, and finding magic stones for an antidote. One of the game’s most salient features is the ability for a player character to learn to transform into a dragon.
Dragon Nest’s dungeons are randomly generated, as are the assortments of creatures met inside. PvP options will include guild vs. guild battles, single-player, and even a mode that pits players as dragons in a struggle to protect the territory.
The proprietary Eternity Engine is being touted as delivering small file sizes with lush graphics that allow for older and slower computers to join in on the action in a persistent world. As with Nexon's other games, Dragon Nest will be free to play and item-shop supported.
Hoi hoi ~ I'm back again to bloggy world. HahAhAHAH !