Silent Night . . .

There they stand, the innumerable stars, shining in order like a living hymn, written in light.

Today was bored.. Did some video editting and stop motion! Haha. Never did stop motion before so wanna give it a try. Well, so far so good but haven't done it yet. Will post the vid here once it's done. XD

Oh! Today i did some cabaling. Well, get bored easily cause nothing new in cabal.. "yet".. Playing around inside. What else can i do?? .__.

Oh wells, tomolo i might be going over to Puchong to do some shopping. Hopefully i'm not too lazy till i cancel the trip. Hahaha cause it was actually today that I'm suppose to go Puchong. XD!!

*not related to the above topic*
I wonder what are you thinking right now.. I kinda miss eu.. Just to let u know, my feelings are still the same for you. Hopefully we can still be together.. <3

Right... So i guess that's for today. Jannei!